
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lifes a bitch and than you die

In the words of my Nas "Lifes a bitch and than you die"

live everyday as if its your last.... would I be working? probably not but I cant help it I dont find that quote realistic. Which brings me to being a realist and/or a dreamer... I love to day dream and I sure as hell can dream up a wonderful one.. you know the ones that get you smiling on your own by yourself like a wierdo yea one of those. hahaha but than I drop back to earth... BUT i really dont mind it.. I have learned a LONG time ago that deceit it right around the corner to scare and knock you off your horse when you least expect it. So i've learned to walk no matter how exciting the other ends looks never run its too risky you risk falling and skidding the ground with your face haaha...

Nothing is better than getting what you work for.. and truthfully i havent felt more fullfilled than ever I'm doing alot and I may be walking slowly to the exit of financial issue but at least i'm moving right? hahahaha either way I couldnt find anything more fullfilling than what i'm doing right now.. I know in the end I will be 10 times the person I was a year ago... I have a plan for everything EVERYTHING... from how I will wakeup to how I will go to sleep.. I priortise everything... it is probably why the last year has been so hard for me just not being in control of my finances and my life things were just hitting me from all directions and I couldnt stretch far enough to catch it all... but now i'm okay and there is finally light at the end of the tunnel... Jo is finally happy :)(financially)

I've been losing an incredible amount of weight I'm not sure if its the lack of eating or the lack or sleep or all of the walking i do at work 8 hours 5-6 days out of the week... who knows but I like it :) lets get it! i really need to lay off the cod after work.. I always cheat myself from 2 extra hours of sleep crazy being that i only have max of 6 hours of sleep to get in per day... I can feel myself aging so quickly its crazy shwayzeeee up in this mess hahaha but I wouldnt have it any other way...

"The secret to happiness is not in doing what one likes to do, but in liking what one has to do."

"While we pursue happiness, we flee from contentment"

"Relationships are alot like jumping off a building... it only hurts at the end"

"Happiness trully is stability and control" for me that is.

GOD! i've been itchin to drive.. I've had such an itch to touch a car its been soooooo crazy.. I miss drifting.. i miss squeeling tires I miss the adrenilin I miss it all!! i need to get on the road and I need to get on it real quick! just need suspension turbo cosmetic my car is fine...if not my car than the celice either way I hope to be back on the track by next summer. :)

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